When it comes to securing your valuable possessions, it is crucial to choose a padlock that offers both durability and reliability. Master Lock Pro Series Padlocks are renowned for their exceptional quality and advanced features that make them the preferred choice for commercial and industrial applications. Master Lock Pro SeriesContinue Reading

Rekeyable Padlocks for Every Application Are your rekeyable padlocks usually time-consuming to service? Then the ABUS 83/45 Series is undoubtedly what you need! Their famous rekeyable lock series offers many features that save you a significant amount of time by making the rekeying process as easy as never before. TheyContinue Reading

While door hardware and security isn’t the most glamorous topic, it is our goal to get it promoted to the “Useful and Necessary” category. Certainly, as a homeowner or businessperson, the proper selection and maintenance of your doors and locks should be of concern. RekeyingIf you move into a newContinue Reading

Master Lock introduced the ProSeries® product line in 1992. This included both Weather Tough® and High Security, iron shrouded, rekeyable padlocks. Master Lock is a worldwide leader in portable security products. They continue to set the standard for quality and selection. You customize Master Lock ProSeries® padlocks to meet yourContinue Reading