The Educated Locksmith
Today the locksmith has more to choose from in the way of education than could have been imagined a few years back. A whole variety of institutions and organizations offer courses, seminars, and workshops on different locksmithing subjects. In this field, knowledge is essential because the more kinds of jobsContinue Reading
Changing Your Locks
Anyone who takes possession of a new home without taking the step to change the locks might be setting the possibility of an easy break-in. Over the years, previous homeowners may have given away spare keys to friends and family. In many cases, they don’t bother to get them backContinue Reading
Commercial Exit Devices
Exit hardware includes both panic devices and alarmed exit locks. Panic devices, sometimes referred to as ‘crash bars,’ are used in medium and high traffic areas to allow full latching of the door without hindering egress (exiting). The ease of egress afforded by panic devices has made them the productContinue Reading
3 Ways to Simplify Getting Keys Copied
I have seen over the years just how often the supposedly simple act of getting a key copied has caused frustration and countless trips to various places trying to get even one copy that will actually work! Most key duplicating machines in hardware stores and other outlets are run forContinue Reading
Building a Stronger Tomorrow
Locksmithing used to only require a working understanding of pin tumbler, wafer tumbler and bit locks. There were few key blank profiles to memorize. The historical locksmith could complete most jobs easily with just some key blanks, a few files, an assortment of pin tumblers and a graphite gun. Today’sContinue Reading