Changing Your Locks

Anyone who takes possession of a new home without taking the step to change the locks might be setting the possibility of an easy break-in. Over the years, previous homeowners may have given away spare keys to friends and family. In many cases, they don’t bother to get them back when they move. Consider for a moment how many people could possess keys to a home that has had multiple owners or tenants who never had the locks changed.

Without knowing how many people might have a key to your new home or apartment, you can agree that it is a good idea to change the locks as soon as you move in.

In the case of tenants, changing the locks is not something landlords normally do. Recent studies have found that up to seven percent of tenants do not return their spare keys when moving out. Remember also that anyone who has worked for an apartment complex doing maintenance, along with previous tenants, may still have a key to an apartment.

As a new tenant, it is advisable to ask the landlord to pay for a locksmith to change the door locks. But if the landlord refuses to pay, it is still a good investment by the tenant. They can ensure their security and personal safety.

Often overlooked, you should also reprogram the garage door opener and remote controls. This can reduce the potential for garage door break-ins.

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