Today’s fast moving society provides many security challenges for families. Many of these challenges could be solved with the special services offered by locksmiths. Unfortunately, many consumers are unaware of specific services offered by a locksmith. One example is the product support that locksmiths can provide clients, unlike home centresContinue Reading

Today the locksmith has more to choose from in the way of education than could have been imagined a few years back. A whole variety of institutions and organizations offer courses, seminars, and workshops on different locksmithing subjects. In this field, knowledge is essential because the more kinds of jobsContinue Reading

Locksmithing used to only require a working understanding of pin tumbler, wafer tumbler and bit locks. There were few key blank profiles to memorize. The historical locksmith could complete most jobs easily with just some key blanks, a few files, an assortment of pin tumblers and a graphite gun. Today’sContinue Reading

Locksmithing is one of the traditional crafts. It represent of one of the oldest trades in history. For centuries, locksmithing has enforced a secretive nature. It has kept most of the trade secret. Over time the techniques of locksmithing have advanced. Specialized areas emerged. One major difference today concerns customerContinue Reading

Before computers and the electronic age, we considered security to be metal-to-metal. Anyone seeking extra security turned to a locksmith first. Every security product was in a dormant stage of locked or unlocked. Individuals with authority could operate the security product. There was no recorded history of lock usage. NothingContinue Reading