Before computers and the electronic age, we considered security to be metal-to-metal. Anyone seeking extra security turned to a locksmith first. Every security product was in a dormant stage of locked or unlocked. Individuals with authority could operate the security product. There was no recorded history of lock usage. NothingContinue Reading

If you were to give a thief enough time and resources (assuming they had the proper knowledge and the right tools), they could, possibly, break into virtually any building, defeat any lock or open any safe. Fortunately, the average burglar does not have the luxury of unlimited time, knowledge, toolsContinue Reading

Anyone who moves into a new home and doesn’t change the locks could be setting themselves up for an easy break-in. People often give spare keys to friends and family, but they don’t always bother to reclaim them when they move. Imagine how many people might have keys to aContinue Reading

Is it just me, or do we spend more time worrying about the safety of our computers these days than the safety of our own homes? You’ve got firewalls and virus protection for your CPU, but have you changed your door locks since you moved into your house? Do youContinue Reading