Anyone who takes possession of a new home without taking the step to change the locks might be setting the possibility of an easy break-in. Over the years, previous homeowners may have given away spare keys to friends and family. In many cases, they don’t bother to get them backContinue Reading

For the commercial and industrial customer, the first line of defence against burglary is the hardware on th doors. This commercial hardware consists of a wide variety of locks and locking systems. Many of these are heavy duty versions of residential locks, but there are other locks which are foundContinue Reading

Exit hardware includes both panic devices and alarmed exit locks. Panic devices, sometimes referred to as ‘crash bars,’ are used in medium and high traffic areas to allow full latching of the door without hindering egress (exiting). The ease of egress afforded by panic devices has made them the productContinue Reading

The life safety code covers a wide range of situations. Many of them are straightforward and in some cases common sense. But there are some issues you probably wouldn’t consider as code infractions. You need to remember that if there is an exit sign above the door, it MUST beContinue Reading

Unless you look at tax laws and think “pff, childs’ play!” you’re probably looking to make things in your life a bit easier. We can help, by helping you make high security locks simple in three ways. Definition: A high security lock cylinder is one which offers a greater degree ofContinue Reading