Hydraulic door closers are essential components in both residential and commercial buildings, ensuring that doors close securely and efficiently. However, the effectiveness of these devices largely depends on their proper sizing. This article explores the significance of selecting the right size for hydraulic door closers, highlighting key factors to considerContinue Reading

If you are looking for a reliable and durable door closer for your commercial or industrial applications, you might want to consider the USCAN Division 8 4000 Series Door Closer. This product offers several important features that make it stand out from other door closers in the market. Here areContinue Reading

When choosing a closer, several factors must be considered. Cost is one prevalent concern. Most manufacturers offer a variety of closers from “basic” to “top of the line”. Basic closers normally incorporate a fixed, non-adjustable spring in sizes 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. Spring power cannot be increased orContinue Reading

Given the range of weather conditions in Dufferin County, it is important to have properly working door closers on your wood or metal doors in all types of buildings. This will assure security, help to meet fire codes and even conserve energy. Consider these factors when planning the installation orContinue Reading