It is easy to get so settled into daily life that we forget to take basic security steps. Even the smallest steps to keep ourselves, our families, and our belongings secure. The same is true for commercial buildings, too. You may have been fortunate to go years without an incident.Continue Reading

Anyone who takes possession of a new home without taking the step to change the locks might be setting the possibility of an easy break-in. Over the years, previous homeowners may have given away spare keys to friends and family. In many cases, they don’t bother to get them backContinue Reading

Unless you look at tax laws and think “pff, childs’ play!” you’re probably looking to make things in your life a bit easier. We can help, by helping you make high security locks simple in three ways. Definition: A high security lock cylinder is one which offers a greater degree ofContinue Reading

A deadbolt lock cannot be moved to the open position from the outside except by rotating the lock cylinder with the key. A deadbolt can be either single cylinder or double cylinder. A single cylinder deadlock has a key cylinder on one side of the lock, but is operated byContinue Reading

While door hardware and security isn’t the most glamorous topic, it is our goal to get it promoted to the “Useful and Necessary” category. Certainly, as a homeowner or businessperson, the proper selection and maintenance of your doors and locks should be of concern. RekeyingIf you move into a newContinue Reading