It’s a common occurrence for customers to seek locks that are referred to as “police locks” or those that have been supposedly recommended by the police. However, this often stems from a misconception about the most effective security measures. Let’s take a closer look at the significance of seeking professionalContinue Reading

You’ve just moved into your new place, or maybe you’ve taken over a new business location. You’re excited about this fresh start, but have you thought about rekeying your locks? It might not be the first thing on your mind, but trust me, it’s a crucial step in ensuring theContinue Reading

As a business owner, there’s an unfortunate truth you have to face – crime is a reality. This means you have to remain on guard and vigilant about security for your commercial property, your employees, and your office. If you have recently become a business owner, there are an overwhelmingContinue Reading

If you want to protect your business from burglars, you should pay attention to the back door area. This is often a dark and secluded spot that gives criminals a chance to break in without being noticed. That’s why many burglars choose the back door as their entry point. ToContinue Reading

A successful security business must be ethical. It’s that simple. Any business will not survive for long if it is not ethical. Unethical businesses believe it saves them money. In the short run it might save them a few dollars, but eventually, it’s a big mistake. It’s usually fatal. AnContinue Reading