Have You Taken Steps to Protect Your Business?
How effective your security solutions are comes down to how effective the controls you have in place are and how vigilant you and your employees are. 1. Perimeter InspectionIt is quite easy for you to take some simple steps to guard against thieves breaking into your business. You should beginContinue Reading
Door Closers in Dufferin County
Given the range of weather conditions in Dufferin County, it is important to have properly working door closers on your wood or metal doors in all types of buildings. This will assure security, help to meet fire codes and even conserve energy. Consider these factors when planning the installation orContinue Reading
5 Reasons You Need to Call Us
While door hardware and security isn’t the most glamorous topic, it is our goal to get it promoted to the “Useful and Necessary” category. Certainly, as a homeowner or businessperson, the proper selection and maintenance of your doors and locks should be of concern. RekeyingIf you move into a newContinue Reading
Our First Line of Defence
Law enforcement and security experts know that criminal trespass is the fastest growing crime today. Less than one quarter of all property crimes are reported to the proper authorities. Think of it this way. Suppose fifty burglaries are reported in your area for a given period. Multiply this figure byContinue Reading
Common-Sense Home Security Tips
Is it just me, or do we spend more time worrying about the safety of our computers these days than the safety of our own homes? You’ve got firewalls and virus protection for your CPU, but have you changed your door locks since you moved into your house? Do youContinue Reading