Even burglars would rather not have to work in the cold atmosphere of our Canadian winters. Even so, there are times when the weather is milder and sadly there are some criminals who are willing to brave the cold. Here are a few suggestions to improve the safety of yourContinue Reading

When choosing a closer, several factors must be considered. Cost is one prevalent concern. Most manufacturers offer a variety of closers from “basic” to “top of the line”. Basic closers normally incorporate a fixed, non-adjustable spring in sizes 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. Spring power cannot be increased orContinue Reading

Today’s fast moving society provides many security challenges for families. Many of these challenges could be solved with the special services offered by locksmiths. Unfortunately, many consumers are unaware of specific services offered by a locksmith. One example is the product support that locksmiths can provide clients, unlike home centresContinue Reading

Today the locksmith has more to choose from in the way of education than could have been imagined a few years back. A whole variety of institutions and organizations offer courses, seminars, and workshops on different locksmithing subjects. In this field, knowledge is essential because the more kinds of jobsContinue Reading

Anyone who takes possession of a new home without taking the step to change the locks might be setting the possibility of an easy break-in. Over the years, previous homeowners may have given away spare keys to friends and family. In many cases, they don’t bother to get them backContinue Reading