Today’s fast moving society provides many security challenges for families. Many of these challenges could be solved with the special services offered by locksmiths. Unfortunately, many consumers are unaware of specific services offered by a locksmith. One example is the product support that locksmiths can provide clients, unlike home centresContinue Reading

I have seen over the years just how often the supposedly simple act of getting a key copied has caused frustration and countless trips to various places trying to get even one copy that will actually work! Most key duplicating machines in hardware stores and other outlets are run forContinue Reading

During the last decade, the locksmithing industry has made good progress opening the lines of communications … not only between fellow locksmiths, but throughout the entire industry. As diverse and specialized as the profession is quickly becoming, it is impossible for any individual locksmith to keep up without having accessContinue Reading

Establishing and implementing a preventive maintenance program for your door hardware can be a great asset for both businesses and residences. The benefits may include reduced emergency service calls, increased safety and security, and, of course, money saved. A preventive maintenance program must be carried out on a regular scheduleContinue Reading

Anyone who moves into a new home and doesn’t change the locks could be setting themselves up for an easy break-in. People often give spare keys to friends and family, but they don’t always bother to reclaim them when they move. Imagine how many people might have keys to aContinue Reading