Check Your Perimeter

If you were to give a thief enough time and resources (assuming they had the proper knowledge and the right tools), they could, possibly, break into virtually any building, defeat any lock or open any safe. Fortunately, the average thief does not have the luxury of unlimited time, knowledge, tools and other resources. Consequently, they’re reduced to the most direct approach: Force.

Rather then use finesse, they will break, pry, twist, hammer and otherwise force their way in. That makes it easy for you to take steps to deter them from entering your business.

Simply walk around the inside and outside of your business and look at the doors, windows, vents, and various openings in the wall or roof and ask yourself this question: “Could I force my way through that ____________?” If the answer is: “Yes”. Then, you need to strengthen that weak point to keep the burglars out.

Your security measures could be as simple as installing some screws or repairing a broken window latch. We can help you find the simplest, and frequently, the most economical security solutions that are truly effective.

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